Monday, October 31, 2016

Social Media Platforms

When beginning the framework for social media platforms a business should evaluate each platform to determine which will be the best for their business because what may be best for one particular business may not be the best for another.  Below is a list of questions to help determine which platform(s) will be the most beneficial to the business. 

1      What is the unique purpose of this platform?
2      Do its attributes relate to my business’s needs?
3      Which target audience does this platform serve?
4      How much time on this network is necessary to have the best impact?
(Powers, K. 2015)

By answering these questions, a business can begin to develop a better understanding of what their social media needs are and which platform(s) will be best for them.

Social media is social- which is probably the most understated and forgotten portion of the equation.  Not unlike good public relations, businesses should use social media as a source of 2 way communication with their audience, regardless of the platform.  This means that in addition to posting articles, videos, and other relevant posts you want your audience to ‘Like’ and ‘Share’, you need to interact with them.  Interact with the audience, listen and respond this is one way that the audience can feel that they are being heard and that their likes and dislikes are being noticed.
Start with a social media platform that connects the business with the right audience, aligns with the business’s needs, and one that can be regularly managed and keep in mind that some businesses need multiple platforms to reach out to their audiences.  (Powers, K. 2015)

The Raleigh Playhouse and Theatre & Sir Walters Tavern (located underneath the theatre) are located in Beckley, WV and as they are two separate businesses that are owned and operated by the same owners, housed in the same building but they ultimately operate as one unit.  In order for their audience to determine which one is having an event it is up to the social media platforms to do their magic and work together to advertise and promote movies, plays, bar events and any other individual or co-events that may be brewing in the tavern below or the theatre up top.  Sir Walters is always open anytime there is an event at the Theatre because one of the advantages of a local movie house is that a guest can take their cocktails or cold beers upstairs while enjoying a movie, musical concert or play.   By having multiple platforms, it gives the audience an opportunity to choose one they connect with the most instead of singling out just one. Facebook is The Raleigh and Sir Walters most effective and responsive form to reach out to audiences and Twitter, even though could be very a very popular outlet has not seen the response that Facebook has.  Instagram is a platform but should be used more because the audience is heavily active on Instagram and would speak volumes to those who are there.  With it also being a small and local business there are many customers that are regulars and would like and/or likes to be noticed and appreciated for their business and this is another way that social media and its many platforms work well when operated properly, effectively and timely.    
Facebook and Twitter have primary purposes and unique attributes that create their platform personalities and connect with their own audiences.  By working together on two separate outlets The Raleigh Playhouse and Sir Walters will be able to reach out to their audiences and be able to communicate with them the way they want to, which it makes liking, sharing, and communicating with them their way effortless and effective. 

Primary Purpose: Builds brand loyalty and reputation. Establishes your business as an authority through interesting content and informational posts.
Unique Attributes:
  1. Reaches a variety of segments of an audience with one post
  2. Offers opportunity to create ads to drive traffic to your website/blog
  3. Encourages dialogue and depth with a customer base
  4. Ideal for sharing personal stories, testimonials, detailed information about your business
Primary Purpose: Shares breaking news and quick updates, promotes new products, content, or brand contests, collects instant feedback from your audience.
Unique Attributes:
     Serves people looking for quick info, company news, and immediate response to questions about products or events
     Focuses on dialogue creation and starting conversations with customers
     Known for its hashtag (#) communication functionality
     Best platform for PR/publicity purposes when traditional media does not respond
(Powers, K. 2015)

I am sure we have all heard the phrase ‘Content is King’ but what about the interaction and conversation?
““Content is just something to talk about” puts human interaction at the centre of the picture. And it explains the rise of social media on the web, the growth of multi-user games on all platforms, and the persistence of people meeting in real life, and not just in “cyberspace”. Content without conversation is just broadcasting, or just advertising. It goes to the listener/reader/viewer/visitor... and stops there. If the sender is lucky, it may lodge as a piece of information in the receiver’s consciousness, and they may act on it someday. If the sender is luckier, or perhaps more engaging, it may be something that the receiver wants to talk about. And then the message gets a whole new burst of energy. The energy behind the message is what gives it meaning, and a life of its own. That happens because we humans like to communicate with each other. Thus the conversation begins.” (Novak, C. 2010)

When social media is one of a businesses main forms of advertising, selling, promoting and knowledge of the business it is very important to take notice and listen to the audience- they can make or break a business and what a business needs to be the best on all platforms so they can connect with all of their audience.  Social media is a popularity contest and it is all about getting the audience to know you and like you and keep coming back for more.  The audience will have a positive response if they listen, respond, inform, update and appreciate the platforms will speak loudly and their audience will listen.

Powers, K. (2015, August 21). Social Media: Choosing the Best Platform | VerticalResponse. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from

Novak, C. (2010, July 10). Why Conversation, not Content, is King | Social Media Today. Retrieved on October 30, 2016. 

1 comment:

  1. The 4 questions are an excellent way to begin your post. Very helpful. Thanks.
